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Happy Ice Cream Eaters

Ervaringen van mensen zoals jij

Onze klanten vormen de kern van onze kliniek. Wij besteden speciale aandacht aan hun feedback en streven er voortdurend naar om de service die wij bieden aan individuen en families die ons hun behandeling en herstel toevertrouwen, te verbeteren.


Van opname tot nazorg en begeleiding na de behandeling, wij zijn erop gericht om je de best mogelijke ervaring te bieden.

Onze focus ligt op het leveren van de beste behandeling, en dit in een omgeving welke draait om respect, compassievolle zorg en professionele therapie.


“I for myself had a really insightful and amazing time at the clinic. The team always treated me with respect and care. I was allowed to make decisions that would enhance my treatment here. Would definitely recommend IT to people. The wellness (program) is an amazing new insight into recovery."


"I have always found the Foundation to have a "magical" impact on my life. Other institutions and rehabs often treat people like children and/or patients and I have never (not often) felt that way here. It really boils down to the fact that recovery is our own responsibility and choice. The Foundation has an holistic approach without forcing any opinions and/or religion on people. I always feel accepted, loved and appreciated when I am here. The food is great and the staff are loving, friendly, professional and competent."


"I had a wonderful time. I needed to be here this time and I appreciate the care and support. This was my second time here and this time I concentrated more on the support and the Trauma work that I have done. I would like to thank each and everyone in my recovery program. I really feel like a new man at the age of 40. Thank you and love you all!"
My experience has been overwhelming. From the first day staff are exceptional and are here for you in every single way from start to finish I will be forever grateful for all the people who has helped me see a new way of life just wish every person that is struggling could get this opportunity



It has been an exceptional breakthrough in understanding myself and being well. I will recommend this facility and program to anyone, as I believe it is ground-breaking work in comparison to any alternatives available in SA. The team is exceptional with each coach playing to their own strength. I found value in working with all of them. Thank you so much for the start of an amazing journey, I cannot thank the team enough.


Through the self help advice and education, the continued support in wellness classes I finally had a spiritual awakening. I became aware of the chaos I had created in others Lives, and my resentments were not Justified. In fact I came to realise the carrying resentment is one of the factors that kept me ill. In my opinion, the Foundation clinic is the finest substance abuse program on the planet. The professional staff genuinely understand the disorder, each and every one only wants to see clients Heal. The spiritual principles by which I now live my life have shown me the light of who I really am. For the first time in my life I feel that I am worthy of loving Myself.


Highly professional, compassionate, insightful and supportive care. Fully informed by contemporary research findings about addiction. A great alternative to the stigmatisation and blaming that most other recovery facilities engage in with regard to addiction. Also encouraging to find a diversity in terms of age, race and background amongst clients, which is most welcome
Portrait with Hands Clasped
I came to the clinic lost and without direction. I have learnt to be more comfortable with myself, I learnt how to have honest and healthy relationships with other people. I discovered who I am . I found my self , my purpose and learnt that my recovery is not only the abstinence from drugs but the complete change in my behaviour, personality and freedom from my addiction.



The Foundation has been a very insightful experience, where various aspects of my life have been enhanced through the numerous and broad understanding of how addiction is really treated. The programme, not only, helped me to recover from addiction, but has also helped me understand how drugs can holistically affect the mind, body and spirit. I am truly grateful to have been part of the programme and I would recommend the programme to anyone who is seeking help.


I have had a very enlightening experience at the Foundation Clinic and it has been invaluable to my recovery as a whole. I appreciate everyone who was involved in my process through primary. I have made new, healthy friends and associations that I will treasure for years to come. I have the utmost humility about the recovery process and absolutely indebted to the Foundation Clinic for their role in my recovery and wellness. Thank you very much for the experience and lessons learnt.


I learnt (things which) gave me a broad understanding of where my life went wrong, through that I took notes and placed it into a life programme in which I intend to take with me through the rest of my life. What I found amazing was that it was not just about my drug addiction, it was more about sorting out my life from the time of existence and how to better my life which was my priority. Overall the programme was amazing; the best experience of my life
Enjoying Nature
It was great being here and has a great positive energy around for us the staff and team are well educated and have sincere feelings towards our recovery and thank you for believing in me and motivating me in my recovery program by giving me all the tools I needed.


Alle informatie die wordt gedeeld via de website, per e-mail of telefoon, en bij toelating tot de behandelprogramma's van de kliniek, wordt met de grootste vertrouwelijkheid behandeld. Er zal geen informatie worden gedeeld met derden of marketeers.

De kliniek is een erkend behandelcentrum voor middelengebruik: PR 047 000 0281360

De kliniek maakt deel uit van de UBUNTU ADDICTION COMMUNITY TRUST (U-ACT)

Section 18A Trust IT 9717/07

Public Benefit Organisation 930/037/894

Non-profit organisatie 243-605

© 2024 The Foundation Clinic

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